21 Top Christian Ukulele Songs 2025, Worship Music For Church Goers

Want to play some worship songs on your uke?

Well, you’re in luck! Most worship songs are quite straightforward and repetitive, making them easy to learn and play. Of course, this leaves plenty of room for embellishment if you’re a more advanced uke player.

So, there’s something here for beginners and advanced players alike!

Here are some of the best Christian ukulele songs of all time, I have no doubt you can get these under your fingers in no time at all. Let’s worship our good Lord!

“Amazing Grace (My Chains Are Gone)” by Chris Tomlin

You just need five chords to play this song – Am7, C, D, D7, and G. Plus, D7 is basically just a variation on D. If you struggle with barre chords, though, here’s an opportunity to brush up!

If you’ve spent any time in church, this song should be quite familiar. What’s different about Tomlin’s version, of course, is the part that begins with “my chains are gone…”

Although there is a bit of build in the song, the tempo doesn’t change, and is quite slow from start to finish. So, for the most part, strumming along and switching chords should prove easy.

Ukulele Tab: UkuTabs

“Amazing Love” by Hillsong

Just four chords to master this powerful, moving, classic ballad – D, G, Bm, and A. Of course, depending on the key or version you’re trying to play, you might need a slightly different set of chords.

This song is a staple in most churches, and a great one to add to your repertoire, especially if you see yourself playing on the worship team one day!

But whether you’re playing it alone or with others, it’s all for the Lord.

Ukulele Tab: Ukulele Tabs and Chords

“Here I Am To Worship” by Chris Tomlin

This is one of my favorite Christian ukulele songs. To play “Here I Am To Worship,” all you need are four chords (that tend to be the building blocks of most songs) – A, D, Em, and G.

Again, as with most worship songs, this tune’s tempo is relatively slow to mid-tempo. Chord changes generally happen every one to two bars, which makes it easy to follow along with.

Another great worship song to add to your repertoire!

Ukulele Tab: UkuTabs

“Hosanna” by Hillsong

If you’re looking to play Hillsong’s “Hosanna,” you might need to learn up to six chords – C, Am, Dm, G, F, and D. These chords are quite easy, though, so it’s totally worth the effort!

This song, like several others we’ve already looked at, has a gentle tempo, making it easy to follow the chord changes.

The main thing to master, if you can, is a bit of dynamics. This song sounds awesome when you ramp up the intensity in the right places.

Ukulele Tab: Ukulele Tabs and Chords

“How He Loves” by David Crowder Band

Just four chords to get “How He Loves” under your fingers – Am, C, F, and G.

And you probably know what I’m going to say here, right? This is a slow song with chords usually lasting about a bar each. That makes it incredibly easy to know where to place the changes.

The second chorus is the perfect place to ramp up the dynamics. Start gently, and gradually build. A ukulele love song with a difference.

Ukulele Tab: UkuTabs

“Forever Reign” by Hillsong

“Forever Reign” is a great place for beginners to start. The verses basically only require two chords (C and G), and you can play the chorus with a couple more additions – Am and F. Simple!

If you’re going to play it on the ukulele anyway, though, I’d encourage you to try out different rhythmic patterns. This song can sound quite nice with the island strum (down, down, up, up, down, up).

The original, of course, cruises along at a relaxed mid-tempo pace, so if you’d like to play along, you should be able to do it. I believe in you.

Ukulele Tab: AZ Chords.com

“Praise You In This Storm” by Casting Crowns

You basically just need five chords to be able to play “Praise You In This Storm” – Am, C, D, Em, and G.

If you’re feeling down, or waiting for your prayers to be answered, this is a great song to lean on.

The song is quite dynamic, but chord changes basically happen every bar at a slow pace. You can do this!

Ukulele Tab: UkuTabs

“Mighty To Save” by Hillsong

You just need four chords to work your way through the powerful “Might To Save” – A, D, E, and F#m. The tab reads Gbm, but in context of this song, it would be F#m (fortunately, the fingering is the same).

The video version is in a different key, but the changes are basically the same – just that the chords are adapted to the key of C.

This is an easy one to pick up and every beginner should add it to their repertoire. You can find other easy songs here.

Ukulele Tab: UkuTabs

“God Of Wonders” by Third Day

Third Day’s “God Of Wonders” uses D, G, C, Em, and Am. The verse, though, basically just repeats D, G, and C.

This one should be quite familiar to you as a church attendee. That makes it a good one to learn!

The trickiest part of this song is that its overall tempo is a little quicker, and some of the chord changes are a little faster than in other songs we’ve looked at. It’s not bad once you’ve got the hang of it though.

Ukulele Tab: Ukulele Tabs and Chords

“Shout To The Lord” by Hillsong

If you know your G, D, Em, and C chords, you should be able to play through Hillsong’s “Shout To The Lord” no problem.

This is a powerful song, and a great one to learn. Some of the chord changes happen every two beats, so just make sure you know where to place them, and you should do fine.

Ukulele Tab: Ukulele Tabs and Chords

“The Power Of Your Name” by Lincoln Brewster

Brewster’s opening guitar licks in “The Power Of Your Name” are mesmerizing – probably not easily duplicated on ukulele, at least not without some serious practice.

But this urgent sounding number revolves mostly around four chords – Am, F, C, F2. So, if you want to strum along, you should be able to keep up without issue.

If you’re more advanced, then see if you can come up with your own take on Brewster’s licks.

Ukulele Tab: Ultimate-Guitar.com

So we’re about half way. Want more Christian ukulele songs? You’re in luck. 🙂

“You Are My Strength” by Hillsong

Ever wanted to play Hillsong’s “You Are My Strength?” Chances are, it won’t pose a challenge too great to surmount. Just make sure you know your G, C, D, and Em chords. No problem, right?

You don’t really need to worry about the slash chords (G/B and D/F#) because they’re basically the same chords with different bass notes. Of course, there are ways of playing them on the uke if you want to.

The main thing to watch out for with this song would be the odd timing of the chord changes in the bridge.

Ukulele Tab: Ultimate-Guitar.com

“The Heart Of Worship” by Matt Redman

“The Heart Of Worship” is yet another essential worship song. You can basically play it with just four chords – D, A, G, and Em, but it can’t hurt to learn Asus4 as well, since it adds a little something to the song, and it’s easy to play.

For all those times you feel like you’ve gotten away from God or haven’t been present to His work in your life, “The Heart Of Worship” is a great song to return to.

Ukulele Tab: Ukulele Tabs and Chords

“How Great Is Our God” by Chris Tomlin

Worship music for the uke

The atmospheric “How Great Is Our God” is quite easy to pick up. You just need C, Am7, Fadd9 (a one-finger chord), and G to play it.

For the most part, the chords last two bars each (there are some faster changes in the chorus), giving you plenty of time to switch between different shapes.

Just remember to add some dynamics to your playing, and you should have this one down in no time.

Ukulele Tab: Ultimate-Guitar.com

“Today Is The Day” by Lincoln Brewster

This celebratory rocker is full of great guitar riffs and licks via Journey singer Steve Perry’s former guitarist, Lincoln Brewster.

It might seem intimidating at first, but you can play most of the song using just D, Bm, A, G, and Em.

And if you’re a little more advanced, you could come up with some of your own riffs inspired by Brewster’s playing. You can have a lot of fun with this song.

Ukulele Tab: Ultimate-Guitar.com

“Christ Is Enough” by Hillsong

Looking at the tab for “Christ Is Enough,” you might be immediately put off by the sheer number of chords required to play it. Here’s a secret – all you really need is Am, F, C, and G to follow along. That said, it can’t hurt to learn all those slash and suspended chords. They’re great for effect, and they are used a lot in worship music.

This song should prove a nice little project for the beginner to intermediate player. It can take some time getting used to the chord changes, so take your time and be patient with the process.

Ukulele Tab: Ukulele Tabs and Chords

“Blessed Be Your Name” by Matt Redman

Here’s another familiar worship staple. And like most, all you need are four chords to play along – C, G, Am, and F.

“Blessed Be Your Name” has got a nice little build into the chorus. Makes it perfect for rock and punk rock interpretations.

That said, since the song structure is relatively straightforward, you can experiment with different strumming and rhythmic patterns on the uke. Give it a bit of an island feel if you so desire!

Ukulele Tab: Ultimate-Guitar.com

“Good Good Father” By Chris Tomlin

Now here’s a good challenge for beginners and intermediate uke players. Here’s why:

  • You’ll need to pick up seven chords to play it – G, Gsus, C, G/B (this one is technically optional), Am, D, and Em.
  • The strumming pattern is kind of weird! If you want to follow along with it, you’ll need to listen carefully and keep trying until you get the hang of it.
  • The song is in a non-standard 6/8 time. Thus, the strumming pattern might strike you as “off.”

I’d still encourage you to give this one a go, though, because it’s a good skill to be able to play in different time signatures.

Ukulele Tab: Ultimate-Guitar.com

“Spirit Break Out” by Kim Walker-Smith

Let’s face it – “Spirit Break Out” is really all about the vocals. The song has such a strong melody delivered by an incredible singer.

Musically, it’s relatively simple – you just need the Cmaj7, Em, D, and Bm7 chords. I’m not going to lie, though, there are so many opportunities to play fun little riffs in this song – especially if you’re jamming along to the original. A great thing to try if you have a good sense of what you’re doing on your instrument.

Ukulele Tab: Ukulele chords and tabs

“Open The Eyes Of My Heart” by Paul Baloche

Here’s another worship song I grew up hearing and playing all the time. Paul Baloche’s “Open The Eyes Of My Heart” is essential learning, and the cost of entry is five chords – E, B, A, G, C#m.

I could be wrong about this, but whether the G chord is used depends on the version. It sounds good if you’re looking to rock it up a bit.

Since the arrangement of the song is quite straightforward, there’s plenty of room for improvisation and embellishment.

Ukulele Tab: Ukulele Tabs and Chords

“Trading My Sorrows” by Darrell Evans

“Trading My Sorrows” was essential learning for worship leaders in 1998. It was upbeat, feel-good, and easy to sing along to.

Most of the song is based around just four chords – G, C, Em, and D (depending on the key, of course – we often played it in G or A instead of C). But you should be able to play F as well (for the section that starts with “though the sorrow may last for the night…”

This is another number that can work quite well as a rocker. And as you might expect, there are many versions floating around out there you can learn from.

Ukulele Tab: Ultimate-Guitar.com

Christian Ukulele Songs, Final Thoughts

So that’s it for our list of Christian ukulele songs, I hope you found some to add to your playlist.

The first step to figuring out any song and becoming good at the ukulele is learning your chords. So, spend plenty of time mastering all those weird shapes! You’ve got to whip your fingers into shape because you’re teaching them to do something entirely new. Be patient with the process.

While working on your chords, also remember to work on your rhythm. It’s so critical to be able to play different strumming patterns.

Beyond that, work on melodies and other embellishments. Merely strumming chords doesn’t necessarily evoke the feeling or essence of a song. Incorporating elements of riffs or melodies does!

So, have fun, and keep evolving as a player. Once you’ve got the basic structure of a song down, there’s so much you can do with it – especially with worship songs!